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Our HERS Rater and Energy Audit Equipment

(short list)

Duct Leakage Test:  CPG uses Retroc duct blaster or the the Minneapolis Duct blaster (by The Energy Conservatory or TEC) to pressurize the air ducts and calculate the target leakage rate required for Title 24 compliance purposes.  Required in ALL CLIMATE ZONES in California.  Target of 15% leakage rate in existing duct work (40' or more of new duct work and less that 75% of the ducts have been replaced, and existing ducts are accesible for sealing).  A target of 6%  leakage is required for new (75% or more of the the ducts are replaced and remaining existing ducts are accesible for sealing) or complete replacement of air ducts.

Refrigerant Charge & Verification:  Required in climate zones 2 & 8-15 in the State of California for Title 24 compliance and verification purposes along with Duct Leakage Test, System Airflow Measurement, and Fan Watt Draw Test when new space cooling system is installed or existing space cooling system is altered. The State of California REQUIRES for HERS raters to use digital manifold gauges ONLY.  CPG uses the newest Testo 550 to perform all RCF tests. 

Combustion Anaysis Test Analyzer:  As BPI Professionals, CPG also performs energy audit in exsting homes which often require us to detrmine if existing combustion applies (e.g., gas stoves, gas furnaces and water heaters) are venting dangerous CO (carbon monoxide) safely and approrpriately to the exterior of the living space.  CPG uses the state of the art Testo 330 to measure CO levels and if a combustion appliance is drafting correctly.  If not, CPG will recommend a tune up an existing unit, replacement, and or cleaning (such as to a existing gas stove and oven) to meet safe levels.  

Blower Door Testing:  To compliment our home energy audting services for a new or an existing home, CPG uses the Minneapolis blower door system to measure the "tightness" of a home.  A "leakly" home is an energy inefficient home during any time of the year.  Money spent to heat a home during winter months is wasted as that warm air escapes a leaky home.  The same rationale applies during the warm months as cooled air via a A/C is lost to the outside as it escpaes a leaky home.  Overall, for both these sitiuations, a homeowners furance and or air conditioner is used more than needed to reach desired level of inside temperature due to a leaky home causing increases in utility bills.  As such, as building science professionals, we will help identify why a home is "leaky" and provide recommendations on how to make it more energy efficient through tools such as the blower door system. 

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